
#The biggest in small world

Tools published by Digital.Spirit

OllyDbg Engines / Modifications

# OllyDbg Engines / Modifications

Find the original OllyDbg and custom / modified engines here......

Cheat engine

# Cheat engine

Cheat Engine is an open source tool designed to help you with modifying single player games running under window so you can make...


# dUP

[Features] * multiple file patcher * programmable patch procedure * offset patcher * search and replace patcher * text pa...


# UniExtract

Universal Extractor 2 or Universal Extractor (Bioruebe version) as it is also called to avoid confusion is an unofficial updated...

Detect It Easy (windows, mac osx, Linux)

# Detect It Easy (windows, mac osx, Linux)

Detect It Easy, or abbreviated "DIE" is a program for determining types of files. "DIE" is a cross-platform application, apar...

Simple Assembly Explorer

# Simple Assembly Explorer

Simple Assembly Explorer https://github.com/wickyhu/simple-assembly-explorer If you want to edit IL, this one is easier to u...

Eziriz IntelliLock

# Eziriz IntelliLock

Eziriz IntelliLock + crack IntelliLock is an advanced 100% managed solution for licensing controls and applications. While ....

Eziriz IntelliLock & crack

# Eziriz IntelliLock & crack

What is IntelliLock? IntelliLock is an advanced 100% managed solution for licensing controls and applications. While .NET Rea...


# FastScanner

FastScanner is a Detector for most packers, cryptors and compilers for PE Files Programmed in ASM and designed for ‎fast access ...


# LordPE

LordPE is an advanced application for PC technicians, programmers, and other expert users, which facilitates tools for manipulat...

VBReFormer Pro

# VBReFormer Pro

VBReFormer is a powerful and essential recovery tool for Visual Basic 5 & 6 application. Decompiler, disassembler and design ...

Winasm studio with masm32

# Winasm studio with masm32

The x86 Assembly community and official home of WinAsm Studio and HiEditor winasm.net was originally founded as the home o...

Obsidium protector

# Obsidium protector

Obsidium v1.5.2 Build 11 with crack | license Compatibility Obsidium is available for 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) Window...


# PEiD

(Updated 24 Apr 2018) PEiD is an intuitive application that relies on its user-friendly interface to detect packers, cryptors...

File Extention Identifier

# File Extention Identifier

UNDER SEH Team Present - The Persian CrackerZ - File Extention Identifier v1.1 readme -Date 16/02/2009 Feature: -Detect C...