
#The biggest in small world

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Title Content
Title IIDKing
Version 2.01
Author SantMat
Author website http://www.reteam.org/
  1. Pick a file.
  2. Check the "Backup" checkbox if you want the file you are modifying backed-up.
  3. Click the "..pick DLL(s).." button and choose a DLL file to import from.
  4. Select as many Function(s) as you with from the Function listing of the chosen DLL.
  5. When you are done entering the DLL(s)/Function(s) you want added, his the "Add them!!" button
  6. If all goes well, you should get an OK via a messagebox explaining that the DLL(s)/Function(s) have been added.
  7. Finally, the addresses that you will need to call for those added Function(s) will be sent to a file which is given by the previous messagebox.
View: 3797
Publish time
6 years ago
2018-04-07 13:38:45
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