
#The biggest in small world

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Title Content
Title Pev
Version 0.80
Author Fernando Mercês
Author website http://pev.sourceforge.net

Pev is a multiplatform PE analysis toolkit that includes tools to retrieve and parsing information about Windows PE files.

  • pehash - calculate PE file hashes
  • pedis - PE disassembler
  • pepack - packer detector
  • pescan - search for suspicious things in PE files, including TLS callbacks
  • pesec - check security features in PE files
  • pestr - search for unicode and ascii strings in PE files
  • readpe - show PE file headers, sections and more
  • rva2ofs - convert RVA to raw file offsets
  • ofs2rva - convert raw file offsets to RVA

The main points are:

  • No need for Windows API. We use our own PE library called libpe.
  • Tested on Windows, Linux and OS X.
  • Support for 32 and 64-bit PE files.
  • Written entirely in C, using C99 standard. So, it's multiplatform.
  • Fully scriptable. All pev tools uses CLI and produces outputs in clear text and CSV (HTML, XML and JSON in development).
View: 1453
Publish time
6 years ago
2018-03-22 23:10:39
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