
#The biggest in small world

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Title Content
Title UniExtract
Version 2.0.0 RC1
Author Jared Breland
Author website https://github.com/Bioruebe/UniExtract2

Universal Extractor 2 or Universal Extractor (Bioruebe version) as it is also called to avoid confusion is an unofficial updated and extended version of the original UniExtract by Jared Breland. As the development of the original version has stopped and no update has been published for years, many forked (modified and maintained by the community) Universal Extractors have arised. This is the most advanced and the only one with a fully transparent development using a public GitHub-powered source code repository. New features

Batch mode
Silent mode, not showing any prompts
Scan only mode to determine file types without extracting
Integrated updater
100+ new supported file types
Audio and video extraction for multimedia files
Cascading context menu
Support for password list for common archives
Improved optional status box with progress indicator
New detection methods + more detailed output and error messages
Support for some extractors not shipping with UniExtract as plugins
Resource usage/speed improvements, lots of fixes
Auto-using 64 bit versions of extractors if supported by OS

See the changelog for a complete log of all improvements.

Portable version

Universal Extractor itself is completely portable, with some exceptions:

Enabling context menu entries will create registry entries
To extract a wide variety of file types more than 50 different extractors are used. Some of them might leave traces on the system. For the most common archives and installers extraction can be considered portable, for others probably not.
Storing Universal Extractor in a directory without write access (e.g. C:\Program Files) enables multi-user mode. This results in configuration files being stored in the %APPDATA% directory (C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Roaming\Bioruebe\UniExtract). See issue #20 for more information.


Any contribution in form of ideas, bug reports, code commits, documentation improvements, etc. is welcome. Help is currently needed in updating the translations for many languages. If you are able to translate into another language, take a look at the corresponding issue (#2) or open the language file in the /lang subdirectory and check for empty strings. English and German language are always up-to-date and can be used as a reference.

Feel free to submit bug reports or feature requests using the issues tab or the built-in feedback window in Universal Extractor, accessible via the 'Help' menu. See todo.txt for a list of notes on possible future changes.

Building from Source

Download and install AutoIt
Download and install SciTE (Optional)
Clone this repository or download a snapshot and unpack into a folder of your likings
Open UniExtract.au3 in SciTE and hit F5 to run in debug mode; F7 to build an executable file or run UniExtract.au3 through Aut2Exe (look here for more information about Aut2Exe)
Download the latest release version and unpack into the same directory to install additional program files not included in the source distribution. Do not overwrite files. Beginning with RC 1, this has been simplified: just run the updater after building. All neccessary files are downloaded automatically. Make sure to not overwrite UniExtract.exe: if the update message says an update for Universal Extractor is available select no, then answer with yes when being notified about 'Universal Extractor program files'.


Universal Extractor is licensed under GPLv2. See LICENSE for the full legal text. Code (functions, UDFs, etc.) written from scratch by me (which are not under copyleft) can also be used in your own projects under the terms of a BSD 3-clause license.

Universal Extractor uses TrIDLib by Marco Pontello and many other great tools and libraries to support as many file formats as possible. A detailed list can be found here.

View: 3512
Publish time
6 years ago
2018-09-18 22:46:31
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