
#The biggest in small world

Crypt-art - rootme

Crypt-art - rootme

4 Platform: Multi Platform Writeups: 1

"a language where the programs are works of modern art’’

A police unit intercepted a message from a terrorist group. This message may contain a secret key used to encrypt other communications. They need you to decrypt it !

6 years ago
2018-07-17 08:30:00
Views: 8196

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Hmmm first we have to hunt some hints : 1) A file with a .ppm extention 2) "" Hi! Welcome to esoteric programming! "" 3) "" The encrypted pass is: EPCQFBXKWURQCTXOIPMN ""

Well , w're going to ask google , to get some help :D So , after searching and learning about esoteric programming language , and read some articls about ppm files , i asked google about " esoteric programming ppm " , then i got this https://www.bertnase.de/npiet/ , hmmmmmm. And now i know what i really will do with this : https://www.bertnase.de/npiet/npiet-1.3a-win32.zip Check this picture : https://i.imgur.com/XaqfpFS.png

Hmmm we have now a key "EYJFRGTT" to decrypt something... Maybe to decrypt "EPCQFBXKWURQCTXOIPMN" , it seems like a "cipher vigenere" I w'll try and see the result :D !



hell yeah , that's our flag : ARTLOVERSWILLNEVERDIE

g00d bye <3

6 years ago
2018-07-26 08:30:00

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