On first loop a variable is not initialized, so there is no keygenning possible.
6 years ago2018-08-28 08:30:00
004010BF |> 36:0FB65C2F 9C /movzx ebx,byte ptr ss:[edi+ebp-0x64]
004010C5 |. 03C3 |add eax,ebx
004010C7 |. 36:0FB65C2E 9C |movzx ebx,byte ptr ss:[esi+ebp-0x64]
004010CD |. F7E1 |mul ecx ; KernelBa.757F73BC
004010CF |. 47 |inc edi
004010D0 |. 4E |dec esi
004010D1 |. 83FE 00 |cmp esi,0x0
004010D4 |.^75 E9 \jnz short wsmp1.004010BF
6 years ago2018-08-28 08:30:00
@GautamGreat Are you kiding me? although it's not use ecx usual for counter but it's work :|
6 years ago2018-08-30 08:30:00
the file isn't available to download.
2 years ago2022-10-30 05:02:48
the file isn't available for download.
2 years ago2022-10-30 05:03:11
the file isn't available to download.
2 years ago
2022-10-30 05:01:32