
#The biggest in small world



Title Content
Title FlowJo
Version 10.7.1
Platforms Windows
Platforms https://fjinstallers.s3.amazonaws.com/FlowJo/FlowJo-Win64-10.7.1.exe
File size 165 MB
Virus total link https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/8693a14339f542be999f9861b0d9604d96406b9c1b69e480508449c9fd178602/detection
Vendor link
Trial days 30

Hello, I need this software for my research, could someone please crack this? It would be greatly appreciated :) Here is a link of sample data to test the program: https://mega.nz/file/QpAVCQrC#x2J8qOgQXuagQb99d3z2pCJtCYCqorps1G8ftFV7dkQ

3 years ago
2021-02-04 07:57:33
Views: 1140

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install software & DO NOT OPEN after instal. Edit hosts file and add;


FlowJo logs.treestar.com treestar.com www.flowjo.com flowjo.com cloudstage.dev.flowjo.com beta.flowjo.com fls.flowjo.com cloud.flowjo.com umpqua.treestar.com treestar.com bdrc-dev.eyecue.io eyecue.io www.eyecue.io bdrc.eyecue.io

go to installation folder FlowJo 10.7.1\libs

(don't laugh) open fjengine-2.5.0.jar (it is zip file) go to: \com\treestar\flowjo\licensing\ remove: FJLicenseState.class

real bad patch but let me know if works native engine has most functions it communicates local by javaw.exe. now can load sample i tested

3 years ago
2021-02-07 02:56:14

  • lonejx : Thank you so much for giving it a shot! I tried this out and while the program did open and appear to work, once I tried to use it with actual samples it said it required a license to do that. So it looks like this method may not work or I messed up doing it haha. Thank you again though!
    3 years ago
    2021-02-08 07:09:47
  • sceneFlow : @lanejx could you upload project samples so i can proceed in testing routine, i no have any sample. I try to find but no files i can find in search machine.
    3 years ago
    2021-02-09 02:50:41
  • lonejx : @sceneFlow I have tried multiple times to upload the folder with some sample data to the post but for some reason I keep getting a 403 error. Is there another way I can get you the file?
    3 years ago
    2021-02-19 23:26:29
  • sceneFlow : @lonejx yes i know you get 403 is because of web application firewall is set to overkill modes. I mail operator but he no reponse try mega.nz its good. upload zip arhive with password webscene.ir and i will try to get this project finished!
    3 years ago
    2021-02-22 21:36:01
  • lonejx : @sceneFlow alright so I just made an account with mega.nz and uploaded the zip archive of sample data. I dont have the pro account so I cant set a password so I think you should be able to just open it. Here is the link:
    3 years ago
    2021-02-23 01:03:05
  • lonejx : @sceneFlow it seems I can't leave a link in the comment section but I added the mega.nz link in the comments of this request. Hopefully it works this time lol
    3 years ago
    2021-02-24 03:49:33
  • sceneFlow : @lonejx just leave the it like the id of url like after so / file / : 5SREhm#Mzc0OXVoNHd0OHlodTR3eXVoNIyd2V0HlodTR3e <- example
    3 years ago
    2021-02-25 04:31:43
  • lonejx : @sceneFlow ahhh smart. Here it is / file / QpAVCQrC#x2J8qOgQXuagQb99d3z2pCJtCYCqorps1G8ftFV7dkQ
    3 years ago
    2021-02-25 16:52:43
  • lonejx : @sceneFlow once you open FlowJo, on the top left under the flowjo tab you'll see the option to add samples. then you select the samples and they should import into the program. If the crack is successful, everything will just load and you'll see them in the program. If not, it will say that only demonstration files can be used or that there is an error.
    3 years ago
    2021-02-25 16:56:17
  • sceneFlow : @lonejx ok good news i can load samples now but most is cloud i need some more testing and need loading all engines now need to modify more code. Key checks is in cloud so..
    3 years ago
    2021-03-03 12:06:20
  • sceneFlow : @lonejx i try to modify native engine and jar but engine has check and key check with private pub key so i was trying i find a way to load files not sure if working but samples can load. Two ways see my post i update it.
    3 years ago
    2021-03-05 17:44:09
  • sceneFlow : @lonejx i try to modify native engine and jar but engine has check and key check with private pub key so i was trying i find a way to load files not sure if working but samples can load. Two ways see my post i update it.
    3 years ago
    2021-03-05 17:44:09
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