
#The biggest in small world

Urgent! Reverse Engineers Help Me!

Urgent! Reverse Engineers Help Me!

Title Content
Title Urgent! Reverse Engineers Help Me!
Version 1
Platforms Windows
Platforms https://www.mediafire.com/file/t0633uft5jkykw1/BarcodeBillingSoftware.rar/file
File size 17mb
Virus total link https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/9c2667f48934dcae808f9632b64b58255093b2e3cf9316a805ddada52d680c23/detection
Vendor link softbiller.com
Compiler Visual Basic 6.0
Trial days

Hello. There is a point of sale Software in vb 6.0. Its name is Everest POS. I need help, that someone please change the Software name from "Everest" to "Glint POS" And everywhere in the software written "everest POS by Rasheed Ahmed" should be remove and about form should only say that "POS Software by Glint" and all the website links in the software, phone numbers watermarks should be remove and the entire software will now be Glint POS Software. Please help me if someone is a master in reverse engineering

Tags: Visual Basic rebuild
2 years ago
2022-06-10 21:22:57
Views: 1925

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cracking ≠ stealing

2 years ago
2022-06-21 11:13:21

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