
#The biggest in small world

Vocalizer Experience

Vocalizer Experience

Title Content
Title Vocalizer Experience
Version 1.6.6
Platforms Windows
Platforms https://www.mediafire.com/file/04gz6c490viklxo/VocalizerExperience-Setup_new.exe/file
File size 18 Mo
Virus total link https://www.virustotal.com/gui/domain/on18.transfercloud.io
Vendor link https://codefactoryglobal.com/
Compiler Microsoft Visual C++ v.11 - 2012 ( E8 ) www.microsoft.com - no sec. CAB/7z/Zip [ Win Vista ] [ Debug:02 ]
Protector No protection
Trial days

Text-to-speech, or TTS is a type of speech synthesis application that converts digital text copied usually to the computer clipboard into a spoken voice output (speech). Text-to- speech is executed by special software called speech synthesizer or voice. When you want the voice to read out you need some other software.

all Nuance TTS Voices(to download) FREE Please keygen..

3 years ago
2021-04-28 00:01:34
Views: 1548

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