
#The biggest in small world

Keygen & patch templates

Keygen template

# Keygen template by crisanar [ asm ]

Titre : Keygen Auteur : Crisanar E-mail : crisanar@be.tf IDE : MASM32 8 v2.5 [24.11.2004]...

RED keygen template

# RED keygen template by H!X / RED [ asm ]

RED keygen template...

lz0 patch template

# lz0 patch template by mudlord [ ASM ]

Contain a starfield, text scroller, chiptune, and patch engine....

ML keygen template

# ML keygen template by mudlord [ C/ASM ]

ft2play to play the XM, & algo c/asm mixed...

KeyGenMe by yChapt kyegen source

# KeyGenMe by yChapt kyegen source by Mr.eXoDia

KeyGenMe by yChapt! by: Mr. eXoDia The Protectors of Doom Team 2011.JUN.22 mr.exodia.tpodt@gmail.com http://www.tpodt.tk Mu...

Eye Flame Keygen Template

# Eye Flame Keygen Template by Jowy [ ASM ]

eye keygen template...

shmeitcorp patcher

# shmeitcorp patcher by Static REvenge, Khéo [ ASM ]

This solution combines file management, optimization, window cutting and midi playing....

Spaceship template

# Spaceship template by jB [ C ]

Galaga in the "about", with a sinus scroller....


# Waga-Template by Waganono [ C ]

Template with fractal drawing + bouncing text...

Team XTX Keygen templates collection

# Team XTX Keygen templates collection by XTX [ ASM ]

The templates of XTX team....

HolyView templates

# HolyView templates by HolyView [ Delphi ]

The templates of HolyView...

Keygen template

# Keygen template by Cyclops [ C ]

Window with transparency and irregular boundary. (Region)...

Patch template

# Patch template by StatMat [ ASM ]

Sinus scroller with custom font and sinewave on logo...

IRC KeygenMe template

# IRC KeygenMe template by Jowy [ ASM ]

KeygenMe template, scroller in the about and use of a GIF animation on the main form....

Keygen template

# Keygen template by Departure [ Delphi ]

Template with v2m player....