
#The biggest in small world

Sources published by Xylitol

Rainbow Synth VSTi V2.0 keygen

# Rainbow Synth VSTi V2.0 keygen


URLegal v2.9

# URLegal v2.9

source code release and also this file was released under 'Revolution Project' banner....

Mail Bomber v5.1

# Mail Bomber v5.1

DOS Keygen...

Win32Asm Trainer Source

# Win32Asm Trainer Source

here is a simple gfx trainer example in win32asm for all the trainer freaks... enjoy!...

CADCAME Cat5Works v1.0 keygen

# CADCAME Cat5Works v1.0 keygen

this source was released due to a drama, read nfo....

keygen template

# keygen template

What you will see here is xm playing with miniFMod (took from Wiccaan), vertical scroller and bitmap at the top. idea based on ...

Patch template

# Patch template


TNT!Crack!Team Patcher Engine

# TNT!Crack!Team Patcher Engine

DOS Patch...

ACDSee Multi-Keygen src

# ACDSee Multi-Keygen src

sinus scroller, starfield, music......

Virtual Game Station v1.41

# Virtual Game Station v1.41

patch engine...

Razor 1911 example intro

# Razor 1911 example intro

Not from rzr but can be seen used by them sometime on gamehack releases, e.g: Hollow_Knight_Godmaster_Update.v1.4.3.2_Plus_5_Tra...

shmeitcorp patcher

# shmeitcorp patcher

This solution combines file management, optimization, window cutting and midi playing....

 Hoodlum – GDI

# Hoodlum – GDI

without trainer engine, just graphical effect...

Code collection for reverse engineers

# Code collection for reverse engineers

In case of breakdown or simply to discover new things, the examples are there for that....


# Puls

DOS 256b http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=53816...