
#The biggest in small world

MegaDumper v1.0

Title Content
Title MegaDumper v1.0
Language C#
Author CodeCracker / SnD
[MegaDumper v1.0]

MegaDumper DotNet 1.0 by CodeCracker / SnD

will show only .NET processes under list, all dumps will be saved under dumps - name of tools changed to MegaDumper - one of reason is that Themida checked for the main form title; if the problem persist change "MegaDumper 1.0 by CodeCracker / SnD" manualy - added Managed Injector in order to be able to inject Assemblies into a process

Views: 5916
Publish time
6 years ago
2018-10-16 07:30:00

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