
#The biggest in small world

Release package generator Source v1.2

Title Content
Title Release package generator Source v1.2
Language Delphi
Author Digital.Spirit / ASA [ Author profile: Digital.Spirit ]
Author website http://assassin.ir
[Release package generator Source v1.2]

For all web scene teams , The most importance create the rlz package with info file and etc.

The best way to create the nfo is auto with rlz package, I written an rlz package in 2009 after than update in 2012 and finally update this year,

Now the source code release public for use anyone need to write rlz package ,

But the updated source code need minimum Delphi XE3 or higher.


Create nfo and diz file auto with one click from pattern

  • Generate .rlz file with nfo
  • save and load inputs
  • update nfo with one click
  • and this is open source
Views: 1488
Publish time
5 years ago
2018-10-18 07:30:00

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Digital.Spirit Digital.Spirit