
#The biggest in small world

Tools published by Death.Song


# TopToBottomNT

TopToBottomNT displays a summary list of processes, i.e., the "top" of a system, or drivers, the "bottom". Additional summary di...


# ReloX

ReloX is a Win32 relocations rebuilder. It will create a .reloc section from different based images....

Zero Dump

# Zero Dump

I was interested to have a tool such as Spy++ in Microsoft Visual Studio But I like that tool can modify window controls. For i...


# LoadDll

Better version of RunDll with GUI. This program allows you to load DLLs on Windows. You can select how to load the DLL. By direc...


# Nanomite

A graphical debugger for x64 and x86 on Windows. Features: - Debugging x86 and x64 (+ WOW64) processes - Breakpoints - ...

Big Num Calculator

# Big Num Calculator

BigNum calculator....


# PluginMaster

I once made a program called PluginMaster, it can organise various plugin DLL files by reading the plugin export for it's name a...

Visual DuxDebugger

# Visual DuxDebugger

Visual DuxDebugger is a debugger disassembler for Windows 64 bits, it is the first version so it is still very simple, but it ha...


# PinMe!

PinMe! started it's life some years ago, under a different name, as a plugin for OllyDbg to allow me to set specific windows to ...

ECDLP Solver

# ECDLP Solver

This ECDLP solver is the result of some months spent in reading, thinking and creating. My aim was/is to write the fastest ECDLP...

Addr & Function Converter

# Addr & Function Converter

Here's a little updated tool of "API Adresses Finder" ... It has now the ability to do the reverse job (Function Address to Nam...

ElGamal Tool

# ElGamal Tool

This is basically an app I made to understand ElGamal better. Used MIRACL library for big numbers....


# ResEdit

With ResEdit, skin/logon/shellstyle designers have a simple way to alter alpha mask bitmaps in a resource file. ResEdit auto-con...

Prime Generator

# Prime Generator

Instructions: 1) Press 'Start' to generate some random data, this must be done only one time. Random data will be saved in fil...

Overlay Wizard

# Overlay Wizard

This was made to automate the process of finding the Overlay Data that Lunar Dust's tutorial spoke of & pasting it to the end of...