Title | Content |
Title | Big Integer Calculator |
Version | 1.14 |
Author | Readyu |
Author website | http://forum.tuts4you.com/index.php?showtopic=1918 |
Description |
3.1 ALL answers are saved to [Ans|GCD], besides these: (1) X/Y, when Remainder(X%Y) is saved to [Rem.]; (2) GCD(X,Y), when LCM(X,Y) is saved to [LCM]; (3) X^(1/n), When X is not a perfect power of n, the Remainder is saved to [Rem.]; 3.2 (1) X^Y MOD Z (RSA en/decrypt, X=C, Y=E/D, Z=N) (2) A = Y/X MOD Z (or AX = Y (mod Z)) A = (Y (X^(-1) MOD Z)) MOD Z Using Extended Euclid's Method. In RSA pub-priv-key calc, e*d = 1 mod phi, LET x=e, y=1, z = phi, you can calc d. |
View: | 4041 |
Publish time |
6 years ago
2018-04-01 07:35:29
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