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Delphi Component Cracker

Title Content
Title Delphi Component Cracker
Version 1.0.0
Author Digital.Spirit - ASA [ Author profile: Digital.Spirit ]
Author website http://assassin.ir
[Delphi Component Cracker]

Delphi Component Cracker v. - 06-07-2012 :

- Hexview of the compiled file. ( *.bpl,*.dcu,*.dll,*.exe )
- show ansi & unicode string of selected hex from file.
- disassemble selected value .
- binrary Hex search .
- Text (asni/unicode) search.
- Directory search , search in current dir and all sun dir by custopm format hex values.
- Replace hex value .
- hex editor & copy as hex or stirng or disasm.
- Drag & drop file is active.
View: 1858
Publish time
6 years ago
2018-08-19 05:07:25
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