
#The biggest in small world

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Title Content
Title ECCTool
Version 1.04
Author Readyu
Author website http://forum.tuts4you.com/index.php?showtopic=1918

Main fuctions:

1.generate curvers, computer np/order; 2.trap small ecdlp (< 64 bits), using kangaroo method; 3.generate keypairs. 4.ECDSA/ECNR sign/verify.

Support curves:

  1. support curve bits: 32-1024;
  2. support elliptic curve over GF(p);
  3. support elliptic curve over GF(2^m), with irreducible ploy: Trinomial: f(t)=t^m + t^a + 1, Pentanomial: f(t) = t^m + t^a + t^b + t^c + 1
  4. support NIST-recommended elliptic curves.
View: 1754
Publish time
6 years ago
2018-03-25 18:08:30
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