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Title Content
Title FDBG
Version 001E
Author Feryno
Author website http://fdbg.x86asm.net/

FDBG for AMD64 is assembler level debugger for user-mode (ring3) binary applications, running in long mode (64-bit).

Supported platforms:

Windows XP x64, Windows 2003 server x64, Vista x64, Windows 2008 server x64, Windows 7 x64, Linux x64

Windows Version is GUI based.

Linux version is command line based (console) and doesn't need any library to run so it doesn't matter what Linux distribution you use.

FDBG project was started to help in debugging programs written in assembler to everybody who feels the power of assembler.

  • it is written in Flat Assembler and source files are included
  • its syntax is similar to FASM
  • it supports debug symbols and you can find some tricks in included help how to debug without symbols
  • it is suitable for everybody who tries to create his/her first program written in assembler
  • it has some features and power for experienced users too
  • it is very small
View: 1674
Publish time
6 years ago
2018-06-07 19:17:16
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