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JD-GUI allplatforms

Title Content
Title JD-GUI allplatforms
Version 1.4.0
Author java-decompiler
Author website http://jd.benow.ca/
[JD-GUI allplatforms]

JD-GUI is a standalone graphical utility that displays Java source codes of “.class” files. You can browse the reconstructed source code with the JD-GUI for instant access to methods and fields.

JD-Core and JD-GUI are written in Java and Groovy.
JD-Core works with most current compilers including the following:
    jdk1.1.8, jdk1.3.1, jdk1.4.2, jdk1.5.0, jdk1.6.0, jdk1.7.0
    Eclipse Java Compiler v_677_R32x, 3.2.1 release
JD-GUI supports Drag and Drop.
JD-GUI supports JAR & ZIP files.
JD-GUI displays color coded Java source code.
JD-GUI allows you to browse the “class” files hierarchy.
JD-GUI displays “log” files, and allow you to decompile “class” files appearing in Java stack traces.
Known limitations:
    Permissive declarations of local variables.
    Java 1.1
        Local method classes are not decompiled correctly.
    Java 5
        Static Imports are not displayed, but decompiled source codes are correct.li> 
    Java 7
        The Auto-Closeable syntactic sugar is not recognized.
        The Diamond Operators are not displayed, but decompiled source codes are correct.
    Java 8
        Lambda expressions.
        Default methods.
View: 4993
Publish time
6 years ago
2018-12-16 00:29:56
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