Title | Content |
Title | Prime Or Not |
Version | 5.0 |
Author | Mouloud Siaci |
Author website | http://www.freewebs.com/primeornot/ |
Description |
![]() Using Prime or not ! you can find these prime numbers up to E200 and test their primality PON also performs tests on ; Mersenne's numbers up to the 99 999th As you know, Mersenne number has the form (2^p)-1 ; which makes of the 99 999th a number with 35 000 digits! You can also generate a certificate for every Mersenne number you test in order to prove its primality. You can find all the primes ranging inside an interval you designed using its powerful tool: The Prime Search Engine. PON includes a Prime Generator, thus you reach the next prime given an integer. With its handy interface, all you have to do is to type up the number and click on the button to perform the tests above, factorize, find the prime factors, verify the Goldbach conjecture and much more... Maybe you handle large integers and you perform operations on them, so PON includes Super Calculator; a wonderful tool that handles integers up to 200 digits on addition, substraction, multiplying and finding the Greatest Common Factor. Using the Convertor, you will master the following conversions: integer<=>Mersenne form integer<=>Fermat form Mersenne form<=>Fermat form What about the Super Modulo? You can find the remainder of any expression of the form a*b^c+d =remanider (mod factor) where: 0 < factor < e18 0 < a < e25 0 < b < e25 0 < c < e25 -e25 < d < +e25 |
View: | 1269 |
Publish time |
6 years ago
2018-03-22 18:15:39
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AcTioN |
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