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Title Hiew
Version all version
Author Eugene Suslikov
Author website http://hiew.ru

Developer(s) Eugene Suslikov Stable release 8.63 / January 31, 2018; 8 months ago Operating system Microsoft Windows Type Utility Licence Proprietary Website www.hiew.ru Hiew (short for Hacker's view) is a popular console hex editor for Windows written by Eugene Suslikov (sen). Amongst its feature set is its ability to view files in text, hex and disassembly mode. The program is particularly useful for editing executable files such as COFF, PE or ELF executable files.

Hiew's features include:

Built-in x86, x86-64 and ARMv6 assembler and disassembler. Pattern searching in hex/text/disassembler mode. Support for NE, LE, LX, PE and little-endian ELF executable formats. Built-in 64-bit calculator. Supports files of arbitrary length. Support for working with files and physical disks Functionality can be extended via exposed API with Hiew External Modules support.

View: 3308
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6 years ago
2018-11-09 17:53:09
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