
#The biggest in small world

Patching & cracking tutorial

Introduction to cracking under nux.

# Introduction to cracking under nux.

objdump, gdb....

cracking hootech rm mp3 converter v3.1 build 776

# cracking hootech rm mp3 converter v3.1 build 776


cracking VB6 apps by changing loading form

# cracking VB6 apps by changing loading form

cracking without firing a debugger...

Patching ScreenGiF by AGSKY

# Patching ScreenGiF by AGSKY

well how are you guys?its been long time i didnt make tutorials..so i thought lets make a tut i hope you will enjoy this and lea...

[Persian] Comprehensive OllyDBG Learning

# [Persian] Comprehensive OllyDBG Learning


A patching tutorial by AGSKY

# A patching tutorial by AGSKY

Hi brothers and sisters this is my tut about patching a software with a new method.i hope you learn new things today Remember...

ID Disk Protector v1.2 Unpacking & Cracking

# ID Disk Protector v1.2 Unpacking & Cracking

ARCHiVE NAME..: IDDPTUTRED2K9.zip ARCHiVE SiZE..: 3113211 Bytes ARCHiVE MD5...: 8F97D4D6344CDA1FFF6F17146E354C87 AUTHOR.........

Deep Finesse v1.6 Tutorial

# Deep Finesse v1.6 Tutorial

Software: Deep.Finesse.v1.6 URL: http://www.deepfinesse.com/ Cracker: Hambo/CORE Author: Hambo/CORE Coder: Hambo/CORE Date:...

Inline Patching Protected Applications

# Inline Patching Protected Applications

Inline Patching Protected Applications tutorial...

How to crack StarUML - app with javascript

# How to crack StarUML - app with javascript

This application write with javascript in all desktop plat form windows/linux/macsox In this tutorial we try to show you how...

Patching - Babylon 9.0.2

# Patching - Babylon 9.0.2

Protection : Molebox v2.3.x Language : Microsoft Visual c++ 6.0 Tools : OllyDbg , RDG Packer Detector Method : Patching...

Cracking Baby crackme#[n00b special]

# Cracking Baby crackme#[n00b special]

This is my cracking tut. i will show you how to crack a simple crackme this tutorial is noob special..easy to understand. ...

010 Editor V2.0

# 010 Editor V2.0

010_Editor_V2.0_Registration Cracking Tutorial by ThunderPwr...

Hacker Disassembling Uncovered

# Hacker Disassembling Uncovered

Going beyond the issues of analyzing and optimizing programs as well as creating the means of protecting information, this guide...

Hacker Debugging Uncovered

# Hacker Debugging Uncovered

Tips for the practical use of debuggers, such as NuMega SoftIce, Microsoft Visual Studio Debugger, and Microsoft Kernel Debugger...