well how are you guys?its been long time i didnt make tutorials..so i thought lets make a tut i hope you will enjoy this and lea...
Hi brothers and sisters this is my tut about patching a software with a new method.i hope you learn new things today Remember...
ARCHiVE NAME..: IDDPTUTRED2K9.zip ARCHiVE SiZE..: 3113211 Bytes ARCHiVE MD5...: 8F97D4D6344CDA1FFF6F17146E354C87 AUTHOR.........
Software: Deep.Finesse.v1.6 URL: http://www.deepfinesse.com/ Cracker: Hambo/CORE Author: Hambo/CORE Coder: Hambo/CORE Date:...
This application write with javascript in all desktop plat form windows/linux/macsox In this tutorial we try to show you how...
Protection : Molebox v2.3.x Language : Microsoft Visual c++ 6.0 Tools : OllyDbg , RDG Packer Detector Method : Patching...
This is my cracking tut. i will show you how to crack a simple crackme this tutorial is noob special..easy to understand. ...
Going beyond the issues of analyzing and optimizing programs as well as creating the means of protecting information, this guide...
Tips for the practical use of debuggers, such as NuMega SoftIce, Microsoft Visual Studio Debugger, and Microsoft Kernel Debugger...