
#The biggest in small world

Tutorials owner is Digital.Spirit

How to crack StarUML - app with javascript

# How to crack StarUML - app with javascript

This application write with javascript in all desktop plat form windows/linux/macsox In this tutorial we try to show you how...

Asm coding for windows [Persian]

# Asm coding for windows [Persian]

The best persian tutorial for asm RCE coding movie in 10 session <--rtl-- بهترین آموزش اسمبلی برای برنامه نویسی اسمبلی د...

Manual deobfuscate javascript code

# Manual deobfuscate javascript code

The javascript have many custom obfuscators, In this tutorial you can see how manual deobfuscate some custom js obfuscators. ...

Reverse code engineering for beginners [Persian]

# Reverse code engineering for beginners [Persian]

The best persian tutorial for RCE movie in 10 session <--rtl-- بهترین سری آموزش مهندس معکوس به زبان پارسی در 10 جلسه ...